Living Corporate

246 Tristan's Tip : Common Outreach Mistakes

Episode Notes

On the seventy-second entry of Tristan's Tips, our amazing host Tristan Layfield talks about how to correct some of the common outreach mistakes you might be making. With unemployment levels being so high the market is quite competitive, so networking is an even more vital part of your job search. Watch out for these mistakes and make some adjustments in your outreach to increase your chances of a response!

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TRANSCRIPT Tristan: What’s going on Living Corporate? It’s Tristan back again to bring you another career tip. This week I want to talk about some of the common outreach mistakes you might be making.

Have you ever reached out to a recruiter, someone on LinkedIn, or just someone you want to connect with and they never responded? Believe me, I’ve been there. There’s a couple of common mistakes that many us make when we reach out that may be blocking us from our blessings.

First, sending a generic message. I can almost guarantee that you don’t like to receive generic messages, so why would you send one? Make sure that each message you send out is tailored to the person that you’re reaching out to. This goes for both email and LinkedIn!

The next mistake is asking for something in your initial email, besides time. Outside of requesting 15-30 minutes of their time, you shouldn’t be asking for a referral or to be considered for open roles. Instead, figure out where you can provide value and give your contact some time to get to know you, what challenges you’re facing, and how they can assist.

The final mistake is thinking that the purpose behind every connection is that the person will get you a job. If this is what you think, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Your contact is going to think you’re only trying to use them and no one likes to feel used. Make sure you display genuine interest in the person, what they do, and the industry you’re trying to go into. Remember, each interaction is a chance for you to gain information and insight that can help you tailor your resume, help you with answers in interviews, and even prepare you for conversations with other professionals within your industry. Landing the referral is just a bonus of developing genuine relationships.

With the unemployment levels being so high, that means the market is quite competitive so networking is an even more vital part of your job search. Watch out for these mistakes and make some adjustments in your outreach to increase your chances of a response!

This tip was brought to you by Tristan of Layfield Resume Consulting. Check us out on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @LayfieldResume or connect with me, Tristan Layfield, on LinkedIn.

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