Living Corporate

88 Tristan's Tip : Preparing For Your Annual Review

Episode Notes

On the twenty-first installment of Tristan's Tips, our special guest Tristan Layfield (@LayfieldResume) shares the method he and his employees use to make review time a breeze. Remember, your annual review is the time for you to be your own best advocate!

Connect with Tristan on LinkedIn, IG, FB, and Twitter!


Tristan: What's going on, Living Corporate fam? It's Tristan of Layfield Resume Consulting, and I've teamed up with Living Corporate to bring you all a weekly career tip. This week, we're going to talk about something that is important for every employee - preparing for our annual reviews. As a hiring manager, one of the most common things I saw when review time rolled around is everyone scrambling to get them filled out because they didn't remember what they had done all year, or better yet, turning in self-reviews with little to no accomplishments listed, expecting their manager to remember what they've done. If this is you, you're doing it all wrong, but I'm here to help. Your review is the time for you to be your own best advocate. Otherwise, everything you've accomplished will more than likely be overlooked. So here's what I used to do and what I taught my employees so review time becomes a breeze. Most reviews require you to set three to five goals that you'll work on achieving throughout the year, so I create an annual review folder and three to five subfolders for each goal, both in my email and on my work computer. Each time I complete a step towards the goal, whether that be completing a project, developing a file, receiving recognition or getting certified in something, I file it in the appropriate folder, either on my computer or in my email. Then, when time comes to write my review, I open up each folder and easily convey my accomplishments. Remember, when you're writing your review, you want to provide your manager with things such as dates, dollars, or whatever details or measurements are needed to let them know not only that you achieved the goal, but you surpassed it. This will help them make the case for giving you that raise or recognition that you deserve. This tip was brought to you by Tristan of Layfield Resume Consulting. Check us out on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @LayfieldResume, or connect with me, Tristan Layfield, on LinkedIn.

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