Living Corporate

213 Tristan's Tip : Build & Maintain Co-worker Relationships During COVID-19

Episode Notes

On the sixty-first entry of Tristan's Tips, our amazing host Tristan Layfield talks about how you can build and maintain relationships with co-workers while we work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the hardest things to do when you and your team aren’t in the same location is to build and maintain relationships - let's be real, it's difficult enough when you're all in the same office. Actively cultivating those relationships could help you position yourself as a valuable player on the team though, so make sure you listen to the full show and utilize Tristan's advice!

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Tristan: What's going on, Living Corporate?! It's Tristan of Layfield Resume Consulting, and I'm back to bring you another career tip. This week I want to talk about how you can build and maintain relationships with coworkers while working from home.

I’ve been working from home for over 8 years now and I know one of the hardest things to do when you and your team aren’t in the same location is to build and maintain relationships. Let’s be real, it’s difficult enough when you all are in the same office. But during such a trying time, actively cultivating those relationships could help you position yourself as a valuable player on the team. So here are a few tips on how to do just that:

  1. Send a morning instant message - now I wouldn't recommend doing this for every coworker every day, but I'd suggest that you rotate coworkers. Ask them how they're doing, see what they're working on, or just let them know that you're there if they need anything.
  2. Check-in via email - Set a schedule to check in with some of your team members weekly or biweekly. Ask them how the transition is going and if they need any assistance with anything.
  3. Set up a video chat - Maybe invite your team to have morning coffee or tea for 10-15 minutes over Skype, Zoom, or WebEx. This provides an opportunity for you all to catch up and still build community. You might even be able to identify some issues that you can easily solve and position yourself as an emerging leader.
  4. Teach them - even though we are a few weeks into working from home, undoubtedly, there are people on your team that are still having issues with some of the remote tools they now have to use. Shoot an email out to the team to see what issues they are having and set up a training session to teach them how to utilize the platforms.

By making the team a priority, you'll show leadership that not only are you a team player, but you're invested in the success of the business. Also, don’t forget to include these efforts on your annual performance review!

This tip was brought to you by Tristan of Layfield Resume Consulting. Check us out on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @LayfieldResume or connect with me, Tristan Layfield, on LinkedIn.

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