Living Corporate

183 Tristan's Tip : Why You Need More Than Just a Resume

Episode Notes

On the fifty-second installment of Tristan's Tips, our amazing host Tristan Layfield talks to us about why we need more than just a resume when we're looking to make moves in our career. While technology has made certain portions of job searching easier, it has also significantly increased the competition and thereby our ability to stand out. That means that we have to go beyond simply applying online, to do something that gets us noticed, and only relying on our resume is not enough.

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Tristan: What’s going on, Living Corporate?! It’s Tristan of Layfield Resume Consulting, and I’m back again in collaboration with Living Corporate to bring you another career tip. This week I want to talk to you about why you need more than just a resume.

When many of us are looking to make moves in our career we typically focus on getting our resume together and while that is a great first step, I want to tell you why you have to go further than just that document. When you apply online, about 70% of companies and organizations use applicant tracking software which is a system with a series of algorithms that scans your resume for keywords and phrases. If you meet the minimum threshold the employer set, then and only then will your resume be seen by a human but unfortunately these systems discard around 75% of the people who apply. Studies show that when you apply online in the US you have anywhere from a 2 - 5% chance of landing the role (depending on the source you read). If that’s the case, why is applying online the ONLY focus of many of our job searches?

Your highest chance of landing a role lies with referrals. When I say referrals, I’m not just talking about from the network you currently have, but from people who are in the industry and a step or two above where you want to go. But you can’t start building that network until you have a decent LinkedIn Profile. This 1) allows you to do some internet stalking without looking like the weird person without a photo 2) let’s the people you are reaching out know you’re serious about where you want to go 3) gets relevant recruiters looking at your profile.

Beyond resumes, LinkedIns, and referrals you also have to be able to sell yourself when you get to the interview. This preparation allows you to create questions to better understand the role and the organization which impressed many hiring managers and recruiters. When you prepare properly you feel more in control and you will appear cool and calm to your prospective employer as a result. This is also your opportunity to convey the value you can bring to the role, but you can only do so if you are clear on what you have to offer.

While technology has made certain portions of your job search easier, it has also significantly increased your competition and thereby your ability to stand out. That means that we have to go beyond simply applying online, we have to do something that gets us noticed and only relying on your resume is not enough.

This tip was brought to you by Tristan of Layfield Resume Consulting. Check us out on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @LayfieldResume or connect with me, Tristan Layfield, on LinkedIn.

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