Living Corporate

153 Tristan's Tip : 10 Things to Negotiate For Besides Salary

Episode Notes

On the forty-second entry of Tristan's Tips, our special guest Tristan Layfield lists ten things we can negotiate for besides salary. Negotiating can be difficult because many of us feel like we should just be grateful for the opportunity and accept the first offer we’re given, but the reality is that mindset leaves money or perks on the table. Next time, make sure you at least ask for something.

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Tristan: What's going on, y'all? It's Tristan Layfield of Layfield Resume Consulting, and I've teamed up with Living Corporate to bring you all a weekly career tip. This week let’s talk about a few things you can negotiate for that aren’t salary.

When we hear negotiation in relation to careers, most of our minds go to salary. But there are so many other things you can negotiate for especially if the company may not be able to budge on the salary itself. So let’s run through a couple of things you might want to consider asking for.

  1. PTO or Vacation time - many companies have a certain level they bring you in at. If you think you’d benefit from additional hours or days, ask for it!

  2. Remote work or work schedule flexibility - Maybe the traditional 9 - 5 hours don’t work for you. You can ask for days where you work from home or, depending on your industry, you could ask to shift your hours. Maybe a 7am - 3pm works better for you.

  3. Transportation allowance - If you live in a large city and use public transportation, negotiate for an annual pass. If you travel quite a distance into work every day, negotiate mileage.

  4. Tuition reimbursement - If the company you’re going to doesn’t already have a program you could ask for a certain amount. If they do have a program, you may be able to negotiate a higher reimbursement amount.

  5. Professional organization/Association dues - Many fields have their own professional organizations and associations. For example, for those that are in Human Resources, there is the Society for Human Resource Management or SHRM. These orgs provided opportunities to get certified, network, and stay on top of the latest industry knowledge. You can incorporate their annual dues in your ask if that’s important for you.

  6. Conference attendance fees - Many of the professional organizations and associations also host annual conferences. These are a great way to make meaningful connections and begin establishing your professional brand. Conference attendance is typically less than a membership so you could use this in a counter offer if the dues are too high for your company.

  7. Your job title - Sometimes, just having a certain title can set you up for success in landing your next role. If you find yourself in that situation then negotiate a title change.

  8. Sign-on bonus - This pretty much speaks for itself. Who doesn’t like extra money just for signing a piece of paper?

  9. 90-day or First-year bonus - If you don’t feel confident in asking for a sign-on bonus then ask for a 90-day or First-year bonus. Work with your boss to set some goals and if you achieve them, boom you get your coin.

  10. Relocation fees - If you’re moving to another state for the position you could incorporate relocation fees into your ask. I’ve seen quite a few people score a few extra thousand by doing this.

I know negotiating can be difficult because many of us feel like we should just be grateful for the opportunity and accept the first offer we’re given. But the reality is that that mindset leaves money or perks on the table. So next time, make sure you at least ask for SOMETHING.

This tip was brought to you by Tristan of Layfield Resume Consulting. Check us out on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at @layfieldresume or connect with me, Tristan Layfield, on LinkedIn!

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