Living Corporate

61 Tristan's Tip : Finding Jobs in a New Location

Episode Notes

On the eighth entry of Tristan's Tips, our special guest Tristan Layfield touches on the difficulties of finding jobs in a new location. He offers three useful tips to help navigate the process.

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Tristan: What's poppin', y'all? It's Tristan Layfield of Layfield Resume Consulting, and I've teamed up with Living Corporate to bring you all a weekly career tip. Today we're gonna talk about how to find a job in a new location. Sometimes we find ourselves in a position where we want or need to move to a new city, but one of the hardest things to narrow down is a new job, so I'm gonna provide a few suggestions to get you well on your way. #1, localize your hiring info. Maybe you have an address in the new city or maybe you'll have a friend that will allow you to use theirs. Put that on your resume and application. Recruiters narrow down their searches using geographical locations, and many in larger cities rarely entertain out-of-state candidates, so by changing your address you have a better chance of being seen. This tip also applies to your LinkedIn profile, and if you're worried about your phone number giving you away, then get a Google Voice number with a local area code. #2, attend regional conferences and events. Many organizations that have national conferences typically host regional conferences and events as well. Try to get to the city and attend those, as they will be filled with people who are in your industry and in the city you're trying to move to. So make some connections, and then begin leveraging them by setting up informational interviews, fostering real relationships, and maybe even asking for a referral. #3, spell out your move in your cover letter. So for those who can't localize their info or can't get to those regional conferences and events, you want to spell out your move in your cover letter. Many employers may assume that you just seeking relocation fees, which you might be, or that you're just sending your resume across the country, so you want to make sure that you calm their fears by starting your cover letter with something like, "As I prepare for my cross-country relocation to XYZ City." This is short, sweet, and gets the job done up front. Finding a new job in a new city can be a tad bit difficult, but if you prepare before going on your job search, you can make the process a bit more manageable and potentially land that job in the city where you want to move. This tip was brought to you by Tristan of Layfield Resume Consulting. Check us out on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @LayfieldResume, or connect with me, Tristan Layfield, on LinkedIn.

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