Living Corporate

135 Tristan's Tip : Three Things Holding Up Your Job Search

Episode Notes

On the thirty-sixth installment of Tristan's Tips, our special guest Tristan Layfield covers three common mistakes you might be making that could be holding up your job search. Many of us apply to dozens upon dozens of jobs only to find ourselves still without an offer - be sure to adapt these points of advice into your job search strategy to help improve your chances!

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Tristan: What is going on, y'all? It's Tristan Layfield of Layfield Resume Consulting, and I've teamed up with Living Corporate to bring you all a weekly career tip. This week we’re going to discuss a few things that might be holding up your job search.

Have you ever been or are you currently feeling stuck in your job search? Many of us apply to dozens upon dozens of jobs only to find ourselves still without an offer. Well there are 3 common mistakes that you might be making that could be the reason why you employers aren’t calling.

The first thing is that you’re not clear on what you want. With the name of the game being tailoring, you have to be pretty clear on what you’re looking for. You can’t just take the same resume you’ve been adding to since college and send it to hundreds of jobs. That type of resume spamming very rarely ends in landing a role. On the flip side, if you narrow down what type of job you want, you can tailor your resume, brand yourself on LinkedIn, and ensure you’re communicating exactly what you’re seeking while networking.

The next thing is that you’re applying to jobs you don’t want. Believe me I get it. Sometimes the job search is so rough and you just need a win so you start applying to jobs you don’t want to do. Odd are, if you know that, eventually the hiring manager will too.

The last thing is that you aren’t being proactive. You’ve probably heard that the best time to find a job is when you don’t need one. While it’s cliché, it’s also quite true. Making connections and finding the right opportunity is easier when you don’t absolutely need it. You’re free to take your time to build relationships and vet out opportunities rather than making blind requests and taking positions that aren’t in alignment with what you want to do.

A job search without a strategy is like throwing a dart with your eyes closed, sometimes you might get a bullseye but most of the time you’re just hoping for one. If you want to land a great role, you have you’re going to have put some action behind that hope.

This tip was brought to you by Tristan of Layfield Resume Consulting. Check us out on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook at @layfieldresume or connect with me, Tristan Layfield, on LinkedIn!

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